SEG Funds

You may be like many investors who lose confidence in volatile markets. The return may be good in bull markets, when values rise, but scary in bear markets, when they fall. Even though we know equity markets outperform other investments in the long term, it can be uncomfortable to watch portfolios go down. Until now.

Strategic Edge recommends avoiding the common reaction of getting out of the equity market. It makes more sense to buy more equities when values are down, as they are essentially on sale, but you may want to protect yourself from future downturns. How? Easy. We have funds that guarantee the value of your deposits and let you re-set the guarantee when you feel markets have hit a high. When markets lose value you can rest easy because you locked in at the higher value.

This exciting program gives you the confidence to stay in equities, where you know the long term return is higher, hessentially letting you ride the highs and avoid the lows.

Yet when values fall, (a naturalcondition of the marketplace) you can be protected by locking in the higher value of the prior bull market.

This program guarantees 100% of your deposits or the value the last time you reset, refunded to you every ten years or at death, creating a manageability unlike anything you may have ever seen before. News like this may sound so good that you may well question the performance of the funds. Well, we did too, and here are some historical results:

Certainly, there’s a lot more information for you to consider, but knowing what is available is a good place to start. The reason you may not have heard about them is that the banks can’t offer them. It’s funny, but Canadians could have bought RRSPs as early as 1953, but waited until 1970, when banks were able to sell them, before buying in.

Why wait, if covering off your potential downside helps you stay in the market and get a good night’s sleep.


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