Guaranteed Income Plan

From Canadians seeking higher income and lower taxes in a guaranteed investment, the most common question asked is why they had never heard of this before.

The answer is that banks and trust companies can't provide it, stock brokers have never favoured insurance products, and while insurance companies could, they felt it was less profitable and so never promoted it in any way. But Strategic Edge doesn't work for any of the above; we work for our clients, and we're pleased to explain how and why it works. It's called a Guaranteed Income Plan (GIP).

If an investor were to buy traditional GICs or other fixed instruments, they would normally take the growth for income and leave the capital, partly to ensure the income was always there and partly to leave it to future generations. If they were to buy an annuity with these non-registered funds, they would surrender the cash for an income stream for life, or for the lives of both spouses in the event of a joint program. Since the income is partly interest, partly return of capital, the tax treatment is different from a GIC. Additionally, they can elect for a Prescribed Annuity, which amortizes the tax burden over the rest of their lives. (For more detail on this, see "Taxation of a Prescribed Annuity".)

The annuity provides higher income than a GIC, and the prescribing of the annuity causes the tax to be lower, but the capital is no longer available. But by insuring the capital from the excess after-tax income, it can all be returned to the estate tax free, and resulting net income is remarkable.

Example of a couple, aged 65, non smokers, $1 million, 50% marginal tax bracket:
  6% GIC GIP
Gross Income $5, 000 $6, 275
Taxable Income 5, 000 2, 758
Income Tax Payable 2, 500 1, 379
Net Income 2, 500 4, 896
Capital Replacement 0 1, 079
Disposable Income $2, 500 3, 817
Pre-Tax Rate of Return 6% 9.2%
With the GIC, the capital is tied up for the length of the investment, usually five to ten years, while with the annuity it is for the balance of life, so sufficient capital for large expenditures should be maintained. Alternatively, the GIC usually does not provide a stream of monthly income starting immediately, as the GIP does.

If structured properly, there is no part of the program that is not fully guaranteed. If you wished to encroach on capital or bequest some or all of the capital to charity, there are additional considerations and opportunities. Clients are often surprised by the flexibility this program can have to meet their overall long-term plans.

Why not ask one of our advisors for a quote today? You might be pleasantly surprised!
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