Strategic Edge is a company as innovative as its financial solutions. We didn’t copy our ideas from books and we didn’t copy other corporate structures or attitudes. The company is comprised of a unique group of people with special skills sharing a common vision of unrelenting integrity. Our approach is to begin with a thorough understanding of clients’ objectives, consider all impediments and opportunities, and then provide thoughtful, creative solutions. The many ideas you’ll find on this website are merely examples of our work. The recommendations we provide will be as unique as you are.

What distinguishes our work from most other financial advisors is that we consider the tax issues before the investments. This substantially increases the amount available for investment which allows us to produce stronger financial results, even with conservative projections. Wherever possible, we use several tax reduction methods, which multiply the benefits considerably. These are called Integrated Tax Strategies.

Integrated Tax Strategies were really invented by our governments. For example, consider the fact that when you purchase gasoline, you pay income tax, excise tax, provincial sales tax, goods and services tax and goods and services tax on the excise tax. On average across Canada, it takes about $2.60 of your earnings to buy $1.00 worth of gas. This is one of the finest examples of an Integrated Tax Strategy we’ve ever seen.

At Strategic Edge, we employ the same approach, only in reverse, to obtain an equally powerful yet opposite result; putting more money back in your pocket. So please, take a moment to browse through the headings on the left for the area that best suits your situation, to learn more about the work we do and how we help people just like you.

If you’re a Canadian paying too much tax, you could probably use a strategic edge. So, explore our site, or call us toll-free at 1-TOO-MUCH-TAX.

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