Of all the demographic groups that get pigeon-holed by financial advisors, none is more prevalent than today's youth. Objectives and assumptions are grouped into what someone twice your age thinks are accurate, with often disastrous results. What they don't get is that not every young guy is living off tips and not every young woman is planning to take time off from her career to have babies. If the fundamentals are misunderstood, how can the financial advice be accurate? It simply can't be.

Furthermore, the average age of today's financial advisor is 50, and they can't rely on the experience of their youth, since a few things have changed. Mortgage requirements back then no one your age could even consider buying a home, let alone rental properties. On-line banking didn't exist; there was no on-line, no internet and no google. The world has changed dramatically, it's youth, their objectives, and the concepts of investing, along with it.

Strategic Edge has the knowledge, skills, and strategic thinking to keep up with the rapidly changing marketplace and tax opportunities, and is constantly creating new and exciting programs for today's young achievers.

Check out the links below to see some of what our clients are using to fast track their financial success.


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